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Fluid Edge Themes


Release Notes

2023-12-06 Version 0.2.4


  • New Features
    • Add new effect arrows
    • Added new headlines to the sub menu
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixing bug where list of effects in scene was not updated immediatly
    • Fixing bug where spread was 1 instead of 100 to represent 100 %
    • iOS: Fixing bug where color picker was outside of the window
    • iOS: Fixing bug while importing images and objects

2023-12-04 Version 0.2.3


  • New Features
    • Add images to the scene
    • Add objects to the scene (only Windows App)
    • Add Rotating Circular Text
    • Add Light to adjust the appearance manually
    • Added more fonts for text
    • Real-time change of text while typing so that the user directly sees his modification
    • Add a list where all effects within the scene are listed
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixing bug where multiple objects share text material
    • Fixing bug where text expanded over the input field
  • Notes
    • We support only images in the .png format
    • We keep only 3D objects in the format of .fbx, .obj, .glb, .gltf
    • We do not check if there is a .mtl file in the same directory as the .obj file. Please make sure the .mtl file of the .obj file is in the same directory
    • We can not distinguish between different render modes for the alpha channel in imported materials.
    • Placing Light only affects the objects placed in the environment. Light will not be applied to the video currently. We are currently working on this problem.
    • The occlusion mesh does not block light, so Light will affect all objects within the scene. We are currently working on this problem.


    • Fixing various bugs during analysis, which caused a failure

2023-11-27 Version 0.2.1


  • New Desktop version
    • Onboarding screen
    • Gallery
    • Account
      • Sign-up
      • Sign-in
      • Account Info
      • Payment History
    • Import function for videos
    • Pipeline progress
    • Editor




    • Update for a more robust upload
    • Update for more info during processing




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